It was constituency week for all MLAs at the Manitoba legislature. Instead of question period and committees, we had a chance to meet with constituents and a variety of community groups or organizations. On Monday, I sat down with the Canadian Federation of Students to discuss the importance of accessible education, affordable tuition, and francophone education and opportunities. There are some real concerns about what the Pallister government is doing. Tuition is up, bursaries and research funding is down and there are challenges for International students because the Pallister government cancelled their health insurance.

Also on Monday, Obesity Canada hosted a meet and greet at the Manitoba legislature. It was really interesting about the challenges people who are big face, including false assumptions and cruel comments, even in health care. Next Thursday, River Heights MLA, Jon Gerrard will reintroduce Bill 216 – the Human Rights Amendment Act, which if passed would expand the province’s human rights code to ban discrimination based on physical size and weight.

Yesterday, the Pallister Government announced that they are spending $2.5-million to review the Keeyask dam and Bipole III project. The report might as well be called “Hindsight is 20/20” because there have already been multiple reports written. We don’t need to look back, we need a plan for the future. I spoke with CBC Manitoba about the government’s announcement: CBC Manitoba – October 18th Independent review will probe cost overruns on Manitoba Hydro megaprojects
On Thursday, we pointed out that the Pallister government has eliminated fifty per cent of the clinical staff at the Addiction Foundation of Manitoba (AFM’s) Compass Youth Program in Portage la Prairie.
Manitoba Post – October 19th
Liberals Say Pallister Cuts 50% of Staff from Youth Addictions Program
The Portage Citizen – October 19th
Pallister Cuts 50 Per Cent of Staff from Youth Addictions Program
Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday; it’s an opportunity to support local businesses in your neighbourhood!
Some of my favourite small businesses across Winnipeg and Manitoba include:
Café Postal, Toad Hall Toys, Gone Scappin’ in Bloom, McNally Robinson, La Belle Baguette, Pennyloaf Bakery, Chocolatier Constance Popp, Pineridge Hollow, Dairi-Wip, and H.P. Tergesen & Sons, to name a few.
Supporting Small Business Matters! A study has shown that for every $100 spent at a locally-owned and operated small business, $45 stays in the community. That same $100 spent at a chain means $13 stays in the community, and if you buy online, $1 - as long as the delivery driver is local.
Here’s how you can get involved:Head to your favourite small business.Take a picture at the business, or with the business owner. Post your picture on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #SmallBizSaturday
We’re back in session at the legislature next week! There's lots on the agenda. On Thursday, our caucus will introduce our first Resolution as a caucus and my first resolution as the MLA for St. Boniface.
#HaveYourSay on Bill 16 - The Climate & Green Plan Implementation Act. It’s your chance to share your concerns and to tell Brian Pallister to get real with climate change.
Call 204-945-3636 to register to speak at next week’s committee for Bill 16.