MLP Privacy Policy and Procedure
Commitment to Privacy
The Manitoba Liberal Party is committed to respecting your privacy. The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain how we handle personal information to ensure its confidentiality, security, and accuracy.
Definition of personal information
"Personal information" is information about an identifiable individual. It includes contact information such as your name, address, phone number and financial information.
How do we get information?
We get information directly from you
When you subscribe to our communications
Membership/ donor/ polling (Election law requires the retention of donor residential information to ensure the donor is an eligible donor- as only Manitoba residents are allowed to donate to provincial political parties)
Any financial information – such as bank/ credit union, is subject to security encryption
We get a copy of the voters list from Elections Manitoba
Voters list /campaigning (Authorized use is defined by the Elections Act)
The Voters List is defined as:
Personal information about eligible Manitoba voters is collected and maintained on an ongoing basis to support elections or byelections. The register creates the voters list which is used by Elections Manitoba and registered parties to support a free and democratic election. The voters list helps Elections Manitoba reach eligible voters to provide them with the information needed to exercise their right to vote.
We maintain a segregated database for each of these datasets.
How do we use information?
Membership / donor information is used for party activities
Voter information is used for voter ID- during elections/ byelections and leading up to election/ byelections
Use of your information is through controlled access eg. Campaigns must be authorized and
given a secure account to access it. Access is given with an expiry date- typically election day. -
When we use a third party -such as a polling company, we have them sign "Third party privacy agreements" which limit use and require destruction of data records after use.
Does the Manitoba Liberal Party log IP addresses?
We log IP addresses, or the location of your computer network on the Internet, for systems
administration and troubleshooting purposes- such as, phishing attempts. We may also use IP
addresses to track which pages people visit to improve the quality of our website.
Does the Manitoba Liberal Party use cookies?
Like many websites, we use cookies which are small text files stored on the useds browser. We
use cookies to, for example, assist with site traffic analysis which includes tracking the time and
date of website visits, pages viewed and referring URL's. Consult your browsed s help files for
assistance on changing cookie settings or removing cookie files.
Links to Other Websites
Our website contains links to a limited number of other websites including those for our
Members of the Legislature and their social media, and to the Manitoba Liberal Caucus website.
The Manitoba Liberal Party is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of these
Compliance with Elections Manitoba Safeguards
The safeguards outlined below have been developed by Elections Manitoba in consultation with
the Access and Privacy Division of the Manitoba Ombudsman's office. Elections Manitoba
recommends that political participants adopt the following minimum safeguards.
Appoint an individual to be responsible for safeguarding the voters list. This individual would be
responsible for communicating these guidelines to persons who receive the list, for developing
and implementing policies concerning the authorized use and protection of the information.
This should include receiving and destroying copies of the list or parts of the list provided to
authorized users, and for answering questions about the party's, candidate's, or MLA's use of
the voters list. Parties are to report annually the individual responsible for safeguarding the
voters list.
The MLP Executive Director is the individual responsible for safeguarding the voters list.
Do not permit the voters list information to be used for any purpose other than to communicate with voters or constituents within the context of the democratic process.
Access to the voters list is issued on a controlled basis with an expiry date.
Provide the voters list only to those individuals within the registered political party, or working on behalf of a candidate or MLA who need access to the list in order to communicate with voters on behalf of the party or candidate or with constituents on behalf of the MLA.
Access is provided at different levels related to the campaign task.
Restrict reproduction of the voters list to the number of copies that are absolutely necessary for staff to perform their work. If an individual can perform his or her functions effectively with a paper copy of the list, provide a paper copy and not an electronic copy.
Reproduction is only allowed under controlled circumstances.
Ensure that both electronic and paper copies of the voters list are kept secure. This includes administrative, technical, and physical safeguards that ensure confidentiality and security of the voters list. At minimum this would mean keeping paper and electronic copies of the voters list in a physically secure location and in a locked filing cabinet when not in use, accessible only to the individual responsible. If the voters list is stored on a computer system, it should be password protected to guard against unauthorized use and not viewed by persons who do not need to use it.
Security of voter information is subject to protocols and procedures.
Should there be any unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, destruction, or modification of the voters list, contact Elections Manitoba immediately.
We have not had any incidents of unauthorized access.
Download a PDF copy of the MLP Privacy Policy and Procedures