September 2, 2019
WINNIPEG - Manitoba Liberals say the Manitoba NDP need to be clear with Manitobans about one of their major policy planks: raising the minimum wage.
The NDP have been saying that if elected, they will raise the minimum wage to $15/hr. However, Liberals say the NDP promise has a big catch — it doesn’t kick in for five years.
Two years ago, NDP Leader Wab Kinew said they would raise the minimum wage to $15, but not until 2024.
“The NDP need to be absolutely clear with Manitobans about this because there is a big difference between $15/hr next year, and $15/hr five years from now,” said Eddie Calisto-Tavares, Manitoba Liberal Candidate for St. Johns. “If anyone thinks the NDP is going to raise the minimum wage in a hurry, they are in for a big surprise.”
The Manitoba Liberals have proposed increasing the minimum wage to $15/hr within two years as part of their anti-poverty strategy.
Media Contact:
Colin Roy