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Age-Friendly Cities Discussion

Hearing from our members is key! We are constantly working to develop policies to make Manitoba better. That's why the Manitoba Liberal Party (MLP) policy committee is undertaking an ongoing review of past resolutions submitted by MLP associations like ours. (You can see our previous discussions documented on the Senior's association homepage under 'Meeting Minutes'. )

We are inviting members to submit their own ideas and concerns for discussion too!

  1. Remember to renew your membership for 2019!

  2. Review how to submit Policy (Click on 'Grassroots Policy Process')

  3. See our list of Seniors' policy resolutions for examples

  4. Email with your general comments or completed submissions!

Here's an example of a discussion request from a member which we've shared internally:

Screenshot of the Member Forum
You can participate too - Join today!

The above is a screen capture of a discussion thread from our private, members-only policy forum. Purchase a membership to participate in our Policy Committee and access more!

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