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Week in Review - Oct 5 2018

It was a very exciting, busy, productive week at the Manitoba Legislature. The 3rd Session of the 41st Legislature resumed this past Wednesday. Wednesday also marked the first time that I walked into the chamber as the MLA for St. Boniface. It was a very proud and humbling moment for me as my mother watched from the gallery. I hit the ground running with two questions directed at Premier Pallister. My first question was about professional conduct in the house, and the second about debt relief related to Investors Group Field. But it was Premier Pallister who was in the hot seat that day as he announced that his Government was cancelling its planned Carbon-Tax. As you can imagine, our caucus was shocked by this news. I spoke with several media outlets including CTV Winnipeg, CBC Manitoba and the Winnipeg Free Press about Pallister’s puzzling decision. Winnipeg Free Press – October 3, 2018 Liberal Leader Dougald Lamont said it is unclear why the PCs have flip-flopped on levying a carbon tax, speculating that it was unpopular with Tory supporters. "Maybe Mr Pallister is worried about the reaction from his base," said Lamont, who was marking his first day as a sitting member in the legislature on Wednesday.” Link to full story CBC Manitoba – October 3, 2018 The province's change of heart is essentially a political stunt, said Manitoba Liberal Leader Dougald Lamont. "It's hardly news that this government doesn't have a plan for anything. This is one example where they had a plan, they looked like they were going to do something, and they abandoned it — but it's not quite clear why." Link to full story CTV News Winnipeg - Manitoba drops planned carbon tax By Thursday, most Manitobans were scratching their heads as to why the Premier cancelled his beloved Made-in-Manitoba “carbon-tax”. The topic dominated Question Period on Thursday. My first question of the day focused on how much of your money the Premier wasted on his now abandoned carbon tax and his Conservative government’s lack of a plan to address climate change. Head to our Manitoba Liberal Caucus YouTube channel to watch.

Health care was another hot topic at the legislature on Thursday. Earlier this week, I received a letter from nurses at the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Boniface Hospital. It was a cry for help, pleading for change from this government to do something about the dangerous levels of overtime that nurses are having to endure. Watch for yourself how the Premier doesn’t answer my question regarding their concerns. Outside of legislative business, on Thursday I had the opportunity to volunteer at Agape Table’s Thanksgiving where over 500 plates of food were served.

And that’s a wrap on the week that was.

If you have any questions or an issue that you would like me to address in the legislature, or if you would like me to attend a community event, please contact me at

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